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Właścicielem strony jest Ogólnopolska Sieć Laboratoriów Analiz Medycznych ALAB Grupa Alab Sp. z o.o.
Firma ogranicza zbieranie informacji o Użytkownikach strony do niezbędnego minimum. Dane zbierane automatycznie mogą być użyte do analizy zachowań Użytkowników na naszej stronie internetowej, zbierania danych demograficznych o naszych Użytkownikach lub do personalizacji zawartości naszych stron internetowych. Informacje te w żaden sposób nie są łączone z danymi osobowymi Użytkowników.
Na podstawie uzyskanych informacji w szczególnych przypadkach sporządzane są zbiorcze, ogólne zestawienia statystyczne. Obejmują one zwykle informacje o oglądalności strony. Zestawienia te nie zawierają jednak żadnych danych pozwalających na identyfikację pojedynczych Użytkowników strony.
Osoby korzystające z formularzy umieszczonych na stronie oświadczają, że podane przez nich dane są zgodne z prawdą, a także wyrażają zgodę (z aktualnie obowiązującą Ustawą o ochronie danych osobowych) na ich przetwarzanie w celu realizacji odbioru wyników online czy kontaktu. Zasady postępowania przy przetwarzaniu danych osobowych określa Ustawa z dnia 29 sierpnia 1997 r. o Ochronie Danych Osobowych (Dz. U. Z 1997r. Nr 133, poz. 883) oraz Ustawa z dnia 18 lipca 2002r. o Świadczeniu usług drogą elektroniczną (Dz.U. z 2002 r. Nr 144, poz. 1204).
Dane Użytkowników zbierane w trakcie korespondencji elektronicznej będą wykorzystywane wyłącznie w celu odpowiedzi na zapytanie.
Serwis może zawierać linki do innych stron. Ogólnopolska Sieć Laboratoriów Analiz Medycznych ALAB Grupa Alab Sp. z o.o. nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za politykę prywatności i zawartość innych stron z wyłączeniem stron spółek należących do Grupy Alab oraz nie bierze na siebie odpowiedzialności za zamieszczone na stronie reklamy (np. w postaci linka partnerskiego).
Zastrzegamy sobie prawo do zmiany polityki prywatności poprzez publikację uaktualnień na naszej stronie.
Copyright © 2012 Ogólnopolska Sieć Laboratoriów Analiz Medycznych ALAB Grupa Alab Sp. z o.o. Zawartość strony jest chroniona prawem autorskim. Reprodukcja, przekazanie lub dystrybucja części lub całości tej zawartości w jakiejkolwiek formie jest zabroniona. Zawartość strony jest własnością Ogólnopolskiej Sieci Laboratoriów Analiz Medycznych ALAB Grupa Alab Sp. z o.o. Użyte na stronie nazwy produktów i firm oraz znaki graficzne mogą być znakami towarowymi bądź handlowymi odpowiednich właścicieli. Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone.
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- Written by Super Users
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 7838
Getting to Warsaw
Warsaw can be reached by any means of transportation: plane, train, bus or private car. The Chopin Airport is located only 10 km from the centre of the capital and Warsaw Modlin Airport is located around 35 km north-west from the city centre.
Warsaw has three large railway stations serving international and domestic long-distance connections: Warszawa Zachodnia, Warszawa Centralna and Warszawa Wschodnia.
Long-distance and international buses arrive at the bus station Dworzec PKS Warszawa Zachodnia.
Warsaw – the capital of Poland. This amazing city is full of contrasts, question marks and surprises. It will excite and inspire you.
It is a city with the tallest four-faced clock tower in the world. Its faces are 6 m in diameter, making it the largest clock of its kindin Europe. The tower sits on one of the youngest, yet one of the most prominent, symbols of socialist architecture – the Palace of Culture and Science built in 1956.
Paradoxically, Warsaw’s Old Town is only 50 years old. After World War II it was proudly and laboriously reconstructed to its present form. In 1980 it was placed on the UNESCO’s list of World Heritage Sites.
Monumental and lapidary socialist realism sits alongside the subtle and ethereal Art Nouveau architecture, and modern-glass skyscrapers tower over apartment buildings. Every day Varsovians walk by the multitude of commemorative sites, and after work they relax in numerous parks and gardens. The modern office building designed by a famous architects Foster and Partners beautifully blends in with the neighboring Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, which was part of the arcade of the Saxon Palace before WWII.
The historic Praga district, which for decades was in the shadows of cultural life, is going through are revitalization process and is becoming the ‘promised land’ for artists and an oasis for creative endeavours.
An actual rooftop garden has been cultivated atop one of the largest university libraries in the capital. While within the historic walls of Łazienki Palace on the Lake, you can listen to hip-hop and the ever-present Fryderyk Chopin, where the famous composer himself used to play. Now that is an interesting contrast.
Warsaw is a city full of astonishing contrasts and it never ceases to amaze with its magnitude of dimensions and themes, which are there to be discovered, absorbed and understood by the inquisitive.
Popularly known as tourist attractions, Warsaw’s aforementioned gems can be discovered in several different ways. On foot, by bicycle, on a tour of historic sites or going on the Chopin trail, as well as attending concerts and festivals, listening to contemporary music, club-hopping or pursuing other ambitious artistic events.
Everyone will find fun, exciting and entertaining ways to spend time in Warsaw.
And wondering around the city will also help to understand the multitude of contrasts and variety that define this spectacular city.
For more information please visit this website: www.warsawtour.pl/en
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- Written by Super Users
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 7413
I General provisions
Provisions of these Terms and Conditions are applicable to Participants registered for the Conference, the Organizer of which is ALAB PLUS SP. Z O.O., headquartered at ul. Stępińska 22/30, 00-739 Warszawa, entered into the register of entrepreneurs at the District Court in Warsaw, XIII Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under the National Court Register number (KRS): 0000278975, Poznań, tax identification number (NIP): 5, business registry number (REGON): 141151557, by the agency of Medvisa Sławomir Poziomek, headquartered at os. Stefana Batorego 31c/54, tax identification number (NIP): 5591819259, business registry number (REGON): 302822441.
The Organizer reserves the right to amend the program of the Conference and undertakes to publish any such updates on the dedicated website.
The definitions used in these Terms and Conditions shall have the following meaning:
Organizer: ALAB PLUS SP. Z O.O., headquartered at ul. Stępińska 22/30, 00-739 Warszawa, entered into the register of entrepreneurs at the District Court in Warsaw, XIII Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under the National Court Register number (KRS): 0000278975, tax identification number (NIP): 521-359-87-51, business registry number (REGON): 141151557, share capital of 50.000 PLN.
Participant: a natural or legal person who registers for the Conference via an online registration form available on the following website: www.newpathologycourses.com
II Registration
The submission of a completed registration form is tantamount to entering an agreement with the Organizer under these Terms and Conditions. By doing so, the Participant accepts these Terms and Conditions as well as undertakes to observe regulations and any other arrangements between the Participant and the Organizer. Once registered, the Participant must pay for the purchased participation package.
Registration must be made not later than on the day of the Conference.
The Participant undertakes to complete the registration form in a correct and accurate manner.
The Organizer shall not be liable for any damages resulting from the incorrectness of personal details submitted by the Participant via the online registration form.
The Organizer reserves the right to administer the list of Participants and publish names of companies along with professional positions held by people participating in the Conference on their behalf.
The submission of a completed registration form is tantamount to giving consent for the disclosure of the professional e-mail address to third parties, who cooperate with the Organizer in connection to the Conference, and receiving commercial or marketing electronic messages.
In particular, giving consent for the business details acquired in the course of completing the registration form to be processed by the Organizer and third parties with whom the Organizer collaborates in connection to the Conference. If the Participant refuses to give such consent, the Organizer shall be informed of the Participant's decision in writing by e-mail sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. promptly after the submission of a completed registration form.
The Organizer supports networking and establishing business relations during the Conference.
On the day of the Conference, Participants shall be verified by their first name and surname.
III Payment
The Participant is required to pay the registration fee in accordance with the prices specified on the Conference website.
Payment can be made by wire transfer or credit card.
Payment must be made in order for registration to be valid.
Conference tickets remain in possession of the Organizer until the payment of the registration fee is confirmed by the Participant's bank.
If the Participant's bank fails to confirm the payment within 24 hours from placing the purchase order, the transaction shall be automatically canceled.
Payments made by credit card and wire transfer are processed by the agency of DOTPAY S.A., headquartered at ul. Wielicka 72, 30-552 Kraków, via the following website: www.newpathologycourses.com/en.
The Organizer shall not be liable for any consequences of irregular functioning of the payment system managed by DOTPAY S.A.
All prices include VAT.
In order to receive a VAT invoice, it is required to check the "VAT Invoice" checkbox during registration and fill in the form with correct invoice details.
The Organizer shall not bear any costs incurred by the Participant to any third parties processing the payment. In particular, the Participant who makes the payment by the agency of a foreign bank shall allow for the processing fees for international bank transfers since in order for the purchase order to be processed by the Organizer, the full payment is expected to be made by the due date.
The Organizer reserves the right to stop the online sale of conference tickets at any time, without revealing causes of its decision.
IV Cancellation of registration
The Participant has the right to cancel their registration and receive a full refund, provided the cancellation is made not later than 2 months before the Conference.
For cancellations made 2 months before the Conference, the Participant is entitled to receiving a 50% refund.
A month before the Conference is not possible to cancel registration and refund.
If the Conference is canceled due to reasons attributable to the Organizer, all Participants shall receive a full refund within 7 days from the original date of the Conference.
Cancellations of registration must be made in writing and sent by e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The Participant is removed from the list of participants promptly after the Organizer sends the cancellation confirmation.
V Protection of disclosed personal details
By submitting a completed registration form, the Participant gives consent for their personal details to be kept and processed by the Organizer in order to process the purchase order, contact the Participant should such necessity arise, and allow the ticket sale platform to function properly.
Personal details provided during registration are kept and processed under the Data Protection Act (Dz.U. [Official Journal] of 2002, no. 101, item 926, as amended) and the Act on Rendering Electronic Services of 18 July 2002 (Dz.U. [Official Journal] of 2002, no. 144, item 1204).
Any person submitting their personal details to the Organizer retains the right to access, amend and update this information.
VI Responsibilities of participants
Participants must read and understand these Terms and Conditions.
All Participants using the Conference website are responsible for safety of their account password. Users must keep their account password safe and must not reveal it to any third parties.
In case of using public access computers, such as computers in Internet cafés, offices, libraries, or at universities, as well as in case of using private computers at home, the User shall log out after each session in order to avoid providing any third parties with access to their private information and personal details.
The Organizer may take photographs and film during the Conference. Participation in the events related to the Conference is tantamount to giving consent for the image of each Participant, Speaker, and Presenter to be used in informational and promotional materials. If an attendee refuses to give such consent, the Organizer shall be informed of this decision in writing by e-mail not later than one day after the Conference closes.
VII Amendment of personal details
Each logged-in User may change their personal details.
The details provided in relation to the purchase order cannot be changed since they have already been used to generate an invoice or a bill. The data automatically collected for the purpose of processing the purchase order cannot be altered or deleted.
Users retain the right to access their personal details and amend them shall such a need occur. In order to have the User's account deleted from the service, the Organizer shall be contacted directly and receive the appropriate request by e-mail sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
VIII Final provisions
All travel costs related to the Conference shall be covered by the Participant only.
Should any reasons beyond its control arise, the Organizer reserves the right to cancel or reschedule the Conference.
To all matters not settled herein, provisions of the Civil Code shall apply.
If the Organizer announces the amendment to these Terms and Conditions, each Participant who has submitted the completed registration form shall promptly read and understand those changes. If the Participant refuses to accept the changes introduced to the Terms and Conditions, the Organizer shall be informed of this decision in writing by e-mail sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The Participant's statement shall be delivered to the Organizer not later than 7 days after the updated Terms and Conditions become effective. If the Participant fails to deliver such a statement to the Organizer within the above-specified time limit, the Participant is deemed to have accepted the amended Terms and Conditions.
In the event a single provision hereof is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect the validity of enforceability of the remainder hereof. The Organizer undertakes to make every effort to replace any invalid or unenforceable provision with a legally sound one.
These Terms and Conditions are effective January 1st, 2015.
These Terms and Conditions are published on the following website: www.newpathologycourses.com
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- Written by Super Users
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 6910
Odbiorca: Alab Plus Sp. z o.o. ul. Stępińska 22/30, Warszawa
Tytuł przelewu: "Tytuł kursu + imię i nazwisko osoby uczestniczącej"
Bank: Credit Agricole
Numer konta: dostępny po dokonaniu rejestracji
Account Holder: Alab Plus Sp. z o.o. ul Stępińska 22/30, Warszawa
Transfer name: Corse title + name of the participant
IBAN: available after registration